Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Grade Six at the Tenso Shrine

Grade Six visited the Tenso Shrine in Nakamachi this morning to take part in the Autumn festival's they helped carry the Mikoshi. For more details, see the grade six blog

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Follow our blog by email!

Why not follow our blog by email?  That way you won't have to keep checking for new posts.  Enter your email address into the box at the bottom left of this page to receive notifications of new posts.

Assessing with the SOLO Taxonomy

Teachers have been sharing learning outcomes and success criteria with students using the SOLO Taxonomy.  This Structure of Observable Learning Outcomes allows the students to answer the three questions:
  • Where am I going with my learning?
  • How am I doing?
  • Where to next?
The taxonomy takes the students through a learning process that allows them to collect ideas before 'going deeper' by connecting ideas and processing them.  You can take a copy of your daughter's current unit of inquiry SOLO outcomes from the curriculum display next to the Cafeteria.
The SOLO Taxonomy level descriptors we are using with the students.
Grade 1's learning progression for their current unit of inquiry.

Grade 3 are inquiring into how exercise affects the human body.  The steps to success show the students what they can do to progress in their learning.

Our SOLO Taxonomy display will be updated regularly. You can take the copies of the outcomes home so that you're familiar with your daughter's learning progression - Where is she going in her learning?  How is she doing?  What are her next steps?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Parents' Day 2015

It was fantastic to see such a large turnout for Parents' Day. All parents were welcomed in the gymnasium by our Head, Collette Rogers before moving to classrooms to hear about teaching and learning in specific grades. We hope to see as many parents at our Coffee Morning information sessions throughout the year.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Introducing.....teachers new to Seisen Elementary this year

We have a number of new faces in elementary classrooms this school year and are delighted to welcome the following experienced, professional and caring new members to our team:

1A: Ms. Crystal Myers
2B: Ms. Ciara Shaughnessy
3A: Mrs. Polly Doyle
5A: Ms. Christine Richardson
6A: Mr. Mikie O'Shea
6B: Ms. Naini Singh
ES Media Centre: Ms. Lea Morton & Mr. David Towse
KG & ES Counsellor: Ms. Tara Carnright
Religion: Ms. Charlotte Ross
Grade 6 EAL: Ms. Rosa Alo

We also have two new assistants supporting teaching and learning in the lower elementary classes:

Ms. Mai Watanbe in Grade 1
Ms. Erika Egawa in Grade 2.

Our new teachers come from Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Samoa, UK & US and are excited and ready to support another year of learning and growth at Seisen! Please drop by and welcome them to the Seisen Community.

Some of our new Elementary School teachers

A Day in the Life of a First Grader!

We look forward to welcoming our new grade 1 parents to the Elementary Media Centre on Friday morning, October 29th from 8:45-9:45. This gathering is planned as an informal get-to-know you session. Come join the ES Principal & PYP Coordinator for a coffee, a chat and to gain insight into a day in the life of a First Grader at Seisen. We're also happy to try answer any questions about teaching and learning our new first grade parents may have.

Grade 1 Parents come join us in the Elementary Media Centre on October 29th.

Grade 5 Peace One Day

Congratulations to our grade 5 students who as part of acting on their learning from their current unit of inquiry; 'Peace & Conflict' organised and led the elementary students in a fun afternoon of activities to mark Peace One Day.

Click here to visit the official Peace One Day website

Our Grade 5 Peace One Day mural in the Cafeteria